Old Plastic Model Kits

Plastic model kits, airplane kits, etc., for sale...

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Hasegawa Su-33 Flanker D - Carrier-Borne Fighter, 1/72, E35

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Dated 2011 and very highly detailed with 204 pieces. Features all very fine recessed panel lines, complete cockpit and gear well detail, optional position canopy & speed brake and more. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Fujimi Mitsubishi A6M1 Zero-Sen Type 21, 1/70, 0701-70

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed. Early 1970s issue with excellent box artwork. Features retractable landing gear, rotating wheels and props, pilot figure and seat. Molded in dark green and clear.

Revell Douglas Thor/Thor-Able Missile - with Truck and Trailer 'S' Issue, 1/110, H1823-129

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+++


Rare. This 1958 'S' hardbox release is the only single issue of this kit. Features elevating missile trailer, four figures, movable fuel boom, fuel truck and trailer, launch pad/blast shield/missile supports, launcher base and more. Includes optional parts and decals for making the Thor-Able version. Molded in correct white and dark blue. NOTE: this kit has very minor and neatly done assembly to 3 pieces: missile halves and fin assembly are built to 'excellent' quality. There is no other assembly. Inventoried and NOTE: missing one tire. Otherwise complete with all other parts, decals and instructions. Decals are both in 'excellent++' condition. Instructions are 'good.'

Hasegawa Mitsubishi A6M3 Zero Fighter Type 22, 1/48, JT17

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


From 1994. Very highly detailed and superbly molded with all very fine recessed panel lines. Features very highly detailed cockpit and landing gear wells, drop tank, optional position canopy and more. There are decals and paint guide for three different aricraft. This kit has never been started. It is still in the internally sealed factory bags and includes decals and instructions.

Yankee Modelworks 5, 1/72, YKM-20010

Metal Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


Includes all five factory sealed detail parts sets. All are beautiful and detailed metal castings. There are two sets of YKM-20010 5"/25 Open Gun Mounts (4 in each, so you get a total of 8), one set YKM-20012 of 5"/38 Single Closed Turrets (2 in the pack), one set of YKM-20053 Smoke Generators (4 included) and one YKM-20034 Kingfisher Float Plane.

Revell F-84F Thunderstreak - Pre 'S' Issue, 1/54, H215-79

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


Pre 'S' first issue dated 1955, which is considered the 'Golden Age' of box artwork. From this superb example it is easy to see why the 'S' and Pre-'S' kits are so collectible. Inside, this well-molded model features fine surface detail, rotating wheels, cockpit & pilot and more. Includes the famous 'Revelving' clear globe stand. Molded in gloss silver and clear. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Maircraft Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless, 1/48, H-8

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair


From the 1940s. Features 3D cut fuselage, nicely 2D cut wings and tail feathers, stock wood, printwood, fully formed turned wheels and engine nacelle, full color decals (which are water stained) and excellent full-sized plans. Never started and complete. Maircraft was originally founded in the early or mid 1930s by Gordon Christoph and went by the name Aircraft Model Company. The company produced a typical line of solid 'profile cut' kits that required the usual high talent levels for carving and finishing. A former Comet Model Airplane & Supply Co. salesman, Jack Mair, bought the company in the early 1940s and renamed it Maircraft. This company was one of the handful of solid kit producers who issued models in a consistent 1/48 scale during the 1930s and 1940s (others included Hawk and Dyna-Model). This lead to one of the most desirable and rare model kits ever produced in the USA - the wood/plastic 1/48 United DC-3 model issued immediately after World War 2. Other than the P-61 and a few other Maircraft offerings, most were simple kits that sold for the low price of about 35 cents and gave the owners many hours of pleasurable work.

Comet Convair B-58 Hustler, 1/96, PL-802-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


Rare model from the late 1950s. This is the larger of the two Comet issues in the two piece hardbox. Very nicely molded and detailed for that time with all recessed panel lines, full landing gear, clear canopy, pilot figure, 'The Pod' and more. Includes a large Comet 'Teardrop' display stand. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including all pieces, decals and instructions.

Lincoln PBY-5A Catalina - Bagged, 1/110

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed


Very, very rare. Still factory staple sealed; this is a bagged kit with the factory paper header. Until now this kit was not known to exist; there is no mention of it in Burn's guide or anywhere on the internet. The model features recessed and raised surface detail, clear blisters, windows and cockpit window, retracting floats and more. There is a "Revell 'S' Style" base (but it's not the Revell base). What is more puzzling is that the artwork on the paper header is a copy of the Aurora first-issue PBY artwork. Please note that the header is damaged and missing some of the right hand section as shown.

Czech Model Blohm & Voss Bv-40 Glide Fighter, 1/48, 4802

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc++


Still factory sealed. Includes injection molded parts, resin detail parts (including cockpit) by True Details and decals for three aircraft.

Revell Mirage 5 BR Mephisto - Mirage V With Reconnaissance Nose, 1/32, 4753

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


From 1991 and well detailed with removable engine, optional position landing gear, opening canopy, optional missiles, recon nose and a very large, extensive decal sheet. The kit has never been started. The parts that were factory sealed are still in the sealed bags. The parts that were not factory sealed have been inventoried complete including decals and instructions.

Sword TWO RF-80 Shooting Star - RF-80A 5-LO 45th TRS Kimpo Korea 1952 / 15th TRS At Kimpo With Over 100 Missions 1953, 1/72, SW72026

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


SALE!! Includes two kits in the one box shown. One kit is still in the factory sealed bag; the other one is never started and inventoried complete with all parts, decals and instructions present. Very nicely molded and detailed kit and the finest (if not the only) 1/72 RF-80 kit ever made. Features all fine recessed panel lines, resin main and nose wheel wells, ejection seat and other details and markings for multiple aircraft.

Faller Spirit of St. Louis Ryan NYP Motorized - Lindberg Atlantic Flight, 1/100, Lb 27

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Rare model kit from the early 1960s and nicely molded for that time. It is designed to be motorized with the Faller No. 1001 Miniature Electric Motor (not included, Faller sold it separately.) Molded in silver, black, red and with clear windows & display stand. The kit has never been started. The small parts (with motorizing-specific parts) are still in the factory sealed bag. The parts that were never factory sealed have been inventoried complete, including decals and instructions. Even the Faller packing quality inspection slip is still present.

Faller Republic F-84F Thunderstreak - Luftwaffe / USAF / Netherlands, 1/100, 1084

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Rare model kit from the early to mid 1960s and nicely molded for that time in silver and clear. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. Even includes the original Faller packing inspection quality control sheet.

Airfix Savoia-Marchetti SM-79, 1/72, 04007-3

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


1980 Type Four 'enlongated' logo issue. Features moving rudder, elevator and ailerons, cockpit detail and torpedo load-out. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. The SM-79 was considered an excellent aircraft and one of the best land based torpedo bombers of the war. Designed and serving as an airliner from 1934 onward, 100 were supplied to the Nationalist Air Force for the Spanish Civil War where they served as day and night bombers. The aircraft performed well in the Med and against Malta, sinking many allied ships.

KVZ Mil Mi-4 'Hound' Helicopter, 1/100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc


Still factory sealed. Unique kit from KVZ, which was an East German company from 1969 to 1973. During this time, they produced some fantastic Cold War kits of Soviet and Eastern Bloc Airliners, Military Helicopters and Aircraft.

KVZ Mil Mi-1 'Hare' Helicopter - Poland / USSR / DDR / USSR, 1/100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


KVZ was the logo used by this East German kit manufacturer from 1969 to 1973. During this time, some fantastic Cold War kits were produced of Russian Aeroflot Airliners and Military Helicopters and Aircraft. Never started. This kit is molded in dark green and clear and features raised details, antenna material and has cockpit detail with a crew of two. It includes decals for all countries listed. Never started. Inventoried complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Atlas Suburban Passenger Station - O Scale, HO, 6901

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Very nice large O scale kit. The kit has never been started. The parts that were factory sealed are still in the sealed bags. The parts that were not factory sealed have been inventoried complete including decals and instructions.

Eastern Express KV-8S Heavy Flamethrower Tank, 1/35, 35101

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Good+


Still factory sealed.

Revell US Army Redstone Rocket, 1/110, H1832-79

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


1995 reissue of the original 1950s 'S' kit from the same molds. It is a great model of one of the USA's early successful ballistic missiles and an ideal builder. Features launching pad, mobile radar van, testing unit and crew of three. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.