Old Plastic Model Kits

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  Airfix Model Kits

Airfix Short Skyvan - NASA / Austrian / Olympic Airlines, 1/72, 04018

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Nice kit of the popular short-range STOL commuter airliner and military transport. Has decals for all three variants including Austrian Air Force, USA NASA and Greek Olympic Airways. The kit has never been started. Inventoried and NOTE: missing one double cabin bench seat. Otherwise complete including all other parts, decals and instructions.

Airfix De Havilland Vampire T.11 - New Molds - RAF No. 5 Training School England March 1962 / Vampire Preservation Group Aircraft Essex England 2012, 1/72, A02058

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


This is a superb kit from all new molds and includes paint guide and decals for both aircraft listed. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix DHC-2 Beaver - USAF or RAF Floats / Skis / Wheels, 1/72, 03017-7

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


1970s issue that is very nicely molded. Features very good cockpit, full interior, optional parts for wheels, floats or skis and much more. Includes decals for RAF or USAF versions. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix Douglas A4D-1 Skyhawk - US Navy VA-34 1956 - Blister Pack - (A4D1 / A-4), 1/72, 01022-3

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


This is the Type Four logo blister pack issue of this very good kit of an older !-4 variant. Features pilot and seat, working arresting g, full landing gear, two wing mounted drop tanks and more. Includes a full color, three view paint and marking guide for US Navy VA-24 from 1956. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix Handley Page Halifax B.Mk.III - Craftmaster Issue, 1/72, 2-129

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc+++


Still factory sealed, but the seal has split on the right short side and a section is missing there. This is a 1960s issue with great box art. The model features movable control surfaces, elevating guns, rotating turrets, retracting landing gear, rotating propellers & wheels and more.

Airfix PBY-5A Catalina, 1/72, 05007

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc


Still factory sealed and dated 1991. Features 128 pieces, full crew, good cockpit , elevating gun and rotating fore turret, moving ailerons, elevator & rudder, opening and closing side blister windows, optional position landing gear, retracting floats, external depth charge load and more.

Airfix Mil Mi-24 Hind Gunship, 1/72, 905017

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed VG+


Still factory sealed. Dated 1984. Has decals for two helicopters.

Airfix DeHavilland Chipmunk - RAF Cambridge University Air Squadron Cambridge Airport 1959 / Canada RCAF DHC-1 Central Flying School CAF Portage La Prairie Manitoba 1970 / RAF Air Experience Flight Newton 1994, 1/72, 01054

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


Features optional canopies for RAF and Canadian versions, two pilots and more. Includes full size, four view paint guides and markings for all three aircraft. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Airfix Vertol 107-II Helicopter - Craftmaster Issue, 1/72, 1302-70

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


1960s USA Craftmaster issue with unique artwork. Features cockpit detail, crew of two, opening rear cargo upper and lower doors and rotating blades. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix AC-47 Gunship - 'Macs Marauders', 1/72, 50010

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc


Still factory sealed. This 1979 US Airfix issue is well detailed for that time and features movable ailerons, rudder and elevators, two pilots, guns and gun crew, optional position rear door, rotating propellers and wheels and more.

Airfix Grumman J4F Widgeon / Gosling - Royal Navy Blister Pack, 1/72, 01024-9

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed VG


Still factory sealed. Dated 1972 and a very well molded and detailed model kit for that time.

Airfix Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker B - PVO Strany NW TVD Kola Peninsula 1987 or Far East TVD Sakhalin Island 1988, 1/72, 05025

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed VG+


Still factory sealed but the seal has drawn the box top very slightly concave. This very nicely molded model features decals for both aircraft, fine recessed panel lines, optional position speed brake and canopy, good cockpit and main gear well detail and a variety of missile loadout options.

Airfix Harrier II TAV-8B/T10 Two Seater - USMC VMAT-203 / 20 Sq RAF / Italian Navy, 1/72, 04040

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Very nicely detailed and molded kit. Features detailed cockpits, four piece canopy set, accurate intakes and exhaust, detailed gear wells, optional position landing gear, numerous pylons with an extensive loadout of iron bombs, AIM-9 Sidewinders, drop tanks and decals for three air forces. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Airfix DHC-2 Beaver - USAF or RAF Floats / Skis / Wheels, 1/72, 03017-7

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


1970s type four logo issue. Features optional parts for wheels, floats or skis and is well molded with full interior and excellent details for that time. Includes decals for RAF or USAF versions. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix Islander / Defender BN-2 - Philippine Navy - Air Liberia (Monrovia Liberia), 1/72, 02062-4

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed VG


Still factory sealed but the seal has drawn the box top slightly concave. this well molded and detailed kit features commercial passenger, cargo or executive full interiors, optional position entry and cargo doors, rotating propeller and more. Includes Philippine Navy and rare Air Liberia decals.

Airfix RA-5C Vigilante - RVAH-3 Or RVAH-13 USS Kittyhawk - BAGGED, 1/72, 05019

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: No Box


NOTE: bagged kit; there is no box. The box is shown for reference only. This is a well detailed model with 76 pieces, optional position landing gear, optional drop tanks, camera pod with clear lenses, cockpit, movable elevators and more. Includes decals for the two aircraft. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. NOTE: these decals are from an older issue of the same kit; they are not from this issue. The decals for this issue are missing.

Airfix Fw-190F-8 or FW-190A-8, 1/72, 02063-7

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


This Type Four logo 1977 issue features optional position landing gear, optional parts for F8 or A8 versions, external centerline bomb loads, optional underwing cannon, centerline rack & bomb and more. Includes decals for two different aircraft. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix Hawker Hurricane IV R.P. - Craftmaster Issue, 1/72, 1224-50

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Craftmaster issue from the 1960s with excellent desert battle scene artwork. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. This is one of three known Craftmaster issues of this kit. This model shares the 6 digit price extension with the 'White' box, but has black box sides. There is also a 13-39 'Small Black' box in the smaller format with black sides.

Airfix English Electric Lightning F.1A - Craftmaster Issue, 1/72, 11-49

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


1960s issue with vivid artwork. A pilot ejects on a pillar of flame as his stricken EE plunges earthward trailing black smoke. Despite this dramatic scene, in actual history, XM192 enjoyed a long career with 111 and 145 squadrons, retiring intact in 1973 to become a ground display aircraft. Never started. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Airfix RA-5C Vigilante - RVAH-9 USS Nimitz 1975 or RVAH-14 USS Kennedy 1968, 1/72, 05019

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


This is a well detailed model with 76 pieces, optional position landing gear, optional drop tanks, camera pod with clear lenses, cockpit, movable elevators and more. Includes decals for two aircraft. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.