1/8 K1-98 Aurora Silver Knight of Augsburg 1560 Valiant Warriors - Crown Issue
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: VG
Very rare 2nd 'Crown' issue. This issue is dated 1956, but is from 1957 judging from the new 'Famous Fighters' oval logo and the fact that 'CROWN' is moved up to the top, just below 'Aurora.' Inside, the kit is also correct for the second issue. The instructions still say 'Copyright 1956 Crow Plastics, Inc Princeton, New Jersey' and the oval 'Famous Fighters' logo from the box top is on the instructions as well. Molded in a beautiful gloss silver and with a feather plume. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes instructions. In the mid 1950s, Crown Plastics advertised the release of a series of Knight models - some of the very first figure kits. However, before Crown entered production, Aurora marketed the line for Crown in 1956- the first issue of this kit (this is the second issue). The first issue had a copyright on the instructions as 'Crown Plastics, Inc Princeton, New Jersey'. These were the first Aurora Knights ever issued and Aurora gave them the kit numbers K1-98, K2-98 and K3-98. These were the very first Aurora figure kits. The knights sold well, and Aurora bought the three 'Knight' molds from Crown Plastics within the year. The first issue had the early Aurora 'Northern Lights' rectangular logo has the correct 'Crown Line' logo inside it.
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