1/72 Monogram AH-1 Huey Cobra Test Shot - Bagged
Plastic Model Kit
This kit came from the collection of one of Monogram's finest and talented Chief Designers, the man who created the original B-52 kit, B-17, B-24J, P-36A, at least one if not all of the 1/8 scale Ford cars, A-1E Skyraider and numerous other famous kits. In his collection were boxes (usually Four-Star armor that had been damaged on the box-assembly machine) labeled 'TEST SHOTS' with his name on it. After designing the kit, he was still responsible for the entire program, or at least up to mass production. Test Shots were made near the end of the design process for the Chief Designer of that kit to inspect; if something was wrong, he ordered changed. If not, he would clear the kit for production. This is one of those kits. Ever notice that all of the Monogram Huey Cobras are molded in olive drab? Well, not this time! This test shot is molded in bright silver & clear plastic. It has never been started. The model is inventoried with all parts present. Like most test shots, there are no instructions or decals.
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