R4 Airlane Ercoupe - 17.5 Inch Wingspan Pre-Fabricated Flying Model
Wood Model Kit, Box Condition: Exc++
Rare and in amazing "Excellent++" condition. From the early 1950s. This kit is fresh from old store stock that was carefully stored; as a result, it is in exceptional, almost never touched condition. The boxes are as they left the factory with new colors and no damage - even the tabs and box ends are intact and perfect. Inside, this is ~ 17.5" wingspan flying wooden model aircraft that is prefabricated along the lines of the Comet Struct-O-Speed. Features all die-cut parts, one-piece balsa wings & tail feathers, fuselage bulkheads & sides, top and bottom in balsa, other balsa parts, completely finished hardwood wheels and thrust button, fully formed wire prop shaft/rubber retainer, a beautiful bright red plastic 4" prop, clear windshield material, cut-out red and black decorations for the anti-glare cowl, N registration, fuselage and red cowling stripes, cabin windows and windshield and full instructions. Since this model is all balsa, there is no tissue. Never started. The inside is exactly as it left the factory. It is 100% complete. Little is known about Airlane Model Company, but they attracted some of the top model aircraft talent in the country. They were located at 318 W. 29th Street, Chicago, IL. These plans were drawn by Gene Solt. But some Airlanes models were drawn by Bill Gough, who is a well known Model Aviation Hall of Fame Inductee. He was involved almost from the start with model airplane design and development from 1925 onward. He designed kits for Comet from 1935 to 1938, and after the war developed plastic kits for Monogram and Lindberg. He wrote early articles on model aviation for Sunday newspapers; at one point, he was in 17 national papers. His designs often appeared numerous magazines, especially in "Model Aviation" where he was known for brilliant, innovative and beautiful models that flew well. Bill was a competitive flier for more than 50 years. Starting in 1932 as a Junior Birdman, he competed for years in Chicago area contests. Later, he took parts in the AMA Nats and continued right up until 1984. His list of competition wins is too long to list here. As for Airlane, they had a series of wooden boat kits, a series of wagon (old west style) models, sold glue with their name on it (in 5 and 10 cent sizes) as well as two lines- "R" (smaller wingspan) and "Q" (larger ws) flying kits which included R1 through R9 Taylorcraft, Betty Skelton Little Stinker, Luscombe Sedan, Ercoupe, Spitfire, Curtiss Helldiver, A2D Skyshark, F-86 Sabre, Mig-15 and Q1-Q12 Cessna 170, Stinson Voyager, Taylorcraft, Piper Cub, Beech Bonanza, Aeronca, Luscombe Sedan, Bellanca Cruisemaster, Ercoupe, Tempest, XP81 and the F8F Bearcat.
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