1/7 7701 AMT Bigfoot - Big Foot Figure
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: VG+++
Rare. The first and only release of AMT's 'Bigfoot' did not show the creature in the most friendly light, which may have lead to it's early demise. The kit builds to a large, impressive figure standing over a pool of water among broken trees. Bigfoot has just finished a meal consisting of Homo Sapiens, as evidenced the femur, skull and rib cage. Bigfoot was at least considerate (or modest) enough to wear a loincloth in front of his former guests, which forever hides it's true gender. Bigfoot is molded in brown, while the pond and human parts are molded in glowing plastic. This kit has never been started. It is either still in the internally sealed factory bag or has been inventoried 100% complete with all parts and instructions.
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