Old Plastic Model Kits

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  Plastic Model Kits

Revell Tornado IDS - Luftwaffe Marinefliegergeschwader 1 or Jagdbombergeschwader 33 Buchel, 1/32, 85-4666

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc+


Still factory sealed. Large 1/32 scale kit. Very nicely detailed with all fine recessed panel lines, working elevator and swing wings and wing weapons pylons, complete cockpits, optional position nose with radome details, optional position speed brakes and landing gear, refueling store, recce pod, ECM pod, chaff dispenser, four bombs, AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, drop tanks and decals for the two aircraft listed.

Revell Republic P-47D Razorback Thunderbolt - 'Bonnie' Major Bill Dunham 14 Kills - Lone Eagles Issue, 1/32, 4554

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc+


Still factory sealed. 1990 issue that is from the original 1970s molds. Well detailed for that time and features full cockpit, opening canopy, complete engine with removable cowling doors, optional position landing gear, detailed gear wells, rotating propeller & wheels and more. Includes a colorful decal sheet for the cover aircraft from the Pacific Theater.

Revell Messerschmitt Bf-110 G-4 - (Bf110G4), 1/32, H250

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Hard to find 1974 issue with great box artwork. Large and well detailed kit features detailed engines, removable cowls, full cockpit, hinged canopies, crew figures, detailed weapons bay and removable access cover, complete radar antenna, very good landing gear detail and excellent decals. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Revell DeHavilland Mosquito MK IV, 1/32, 4746

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good++


1992 issue. Features removable cowling to display Rolls Royce Merlin engine, full cockpit, 2 crew and rotating props and wheels. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes instructions. NOTE: instructions are photocopies of Revell H180 Mosquito, the first issue of this kit. They work perfectly for assembly. NOTE: missing decals.

Revell Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress 'Miami Clipper' - Bomber Command Issue, 1/72, 4338

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


1989 issue. Kit has many action features: Landing gear extends and retracts, all control surfaces move, wheels and props rotate, bomb bay door opens to show bomb load, turrets rotate and guns elevate. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

AML TWO Kits Lavochkin La-5 and LA-5 UTI, 1/72, 72-038

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


SALE!! Includes both 1/72 scale model kits. These limited issues feature injection molded parts with fine recessed panel lines, numerous high-definition cast resin detail, excellent cockpits and more. The standard single-seat LA-5 also includes many brass PE details. Each has decals and color paint guide for multiple aircraft. Both kits have never been started. All resin and photoetched parts are still factory sealed; the injection molded parts have been inventoried complete. Includes decals and instructions.

AML Curtiss Hawk 75 A-1 / A-2 / A-3 - France 1940 Pilot Alois Vasatko 12 + 2 Victories / France Bourges Polish Flight May 1940 / Finland CU-505 July 1941 / Finland Same Spring 1944 / Finland CU-560 / Luftwaffe 1943 / French Casablanca 1942 Cmdt. Stehlin, 1/72, 72 013

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Excellent multimedia kit that includes parts to correctly build one of three Hawk 75 variants, injection-molded parts with fine, recessed panel lines, numerous high-definition resin castings including a super detailed cockpit, film instruments, many photoetched parts and decals with paint guides for seven different aircraft. The kit has never been started. The resin and PE parts are all still factory sealed; the injection molded parts are either still in the factory sealed bag or inventoried complete. Includes decals and instructions.

AZ Model V. L. Pyry Post War - Finnish Trainer Aircraft - Last Pyry Flight Made At Hamala Airfield On Sept 7 1962 PY-27 Pilot Senior Lt. Keijo Elio Finnish Air Foce / PY-35 Finnish Air Foce 1960, 1/72, AZ 7228

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good++


Very well detailed kit from new molds. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

AZ Model Supermarine Spiteful F. Mk. XIV - First Production Aircraft RAF 1945 / Israel Air Force 1948 (What If) / RAF 603 Sq 1950 (What If), 1/72, AZ 7299

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


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Very well detailed kit from new molds. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

AZ Model Supermarine Spitfire FR Mk.XVIIIe - With Decal And Paint Guide For Four Different Aircraft, 1/72, AZ 7276

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


Very well detailed kit from new molds. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

MPM Fairey Barracuda Mk.II - No. 52 TBR Wing 829 Sq HMS Victorious April 1944 / 829 Sq HMS Victorious Used In Tirpitz Strike April 1944 / 812 Sq PM962 HMS Vengeance British Pacific Fleet 1945 / 812 Sq PM948 HMS Vengeance 1945, 1/72, 72078

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


Very nicely molded kit with all fine recessed panel lines, high-definition cast resin details, excellent cockpit, two types of engine exhaust, wing mounted radar and more. Includes a full paint guide and decals for four different aircraft including one that took part in the strikes on the German Battleship Tirpitz in 1944. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

MPM Tupolev SB-2 M-100 / B-71 - Czech / Chinese / Spanish Republic Air Forces, 1/72, 72046

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Very well molded kit features optional parts for different variants, all recessed panel lines, photoetched brass details, film instruments, excellent cockpit and very good crew stations, enclosed and detailed gear bays and more. Includes multi-view paint guide and decals for all three aircraft. Never started. The parts are either still in the factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete. Includes decals and instructions.

MPM Grumman FF-1 / G-23 Goblin US Navy - Canadian or Spanish Republican Air Forces, 1/72, 72075

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


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The FF-1 was Grumman's first fighter and the first production fighter with retractable gear, all metal construction and fully enclosed cockpit. Twenty seven were produced, and this aircraft led to the famous line of Grumman Biplanes and Monoplanes...F3F, F4F, F6F, etc. They also saw service as trainers in Canada and even in the Spanish Civil War on the Republican side. This high quality kit features injection molded parts with fine recessed surface detail, photoetched parts, resin engine, injection molded canopy, very good cockpit & crew station, optional parts for FF-1 and G-23 versions, rigging diagrams and more. The kit has never been started. It is either inventoried complete with all parts or the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags. Includes decals and instructions.

MPM Lockheed Vega Model 5 / UC-101 - Shell Aviation or USAAF, 1/72, 72522

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed. Has markings for either version. A very well made model of one of the greatest aircraft in aviation history. Wiley Post, Amelia Earhart, Hearst, USAAF and the RAF were among it's record setting pilots and operators. Kit features full cockpit and complete passenger cabin with floor and seats, optional wheel pants and other optional parts and decals with paint guide for the two aircraft listed. The Shell aircraft is a very colorful bright yellow overall with red trim.

Revell Lockheed 1049 Super G Constellation - TWA, 1/128, H167

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


1974 issue from the original 'S' kit molds. Features optional position landing gear, rotating propellers & wheels and more. Includes full color TWA markings. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Revell Lockheed P-3 Orion - Road Runner US Naval Oceanographic Office Or US Navy VP-64, 1/115, 4428

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc+


Still factory sealed. Rare 1984 issue that comes with USNOO decals for Project Magnet as well as ASW Patrol Squadron VP-64. After the failure of the civil Lockheed Electra, Revell had to remove the molds from the market. Lockheed solved the problems with the Electra, but it was too late for the air lines. However, relief came to Lockheed in the form of numerous US Navy and international orders for a military Electra variant, the superb P-3 Anti-Submarine aircraft. And so relief came to Revell in the same way. They heavily modified the Electra molds to make the P-3 and this was a best seller for decades; and the P-3 was probably the most successful and long-lived of all US Navy ASW airborne platforms. Please see the article (located on this website) about Revell's mold modification.

Airfix Boeing 314 Pan Am Clipper - Dixie or BOAC Berwick, 1/144, SK602

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good++


Type three logo issue from the 1960s. In the 1930s Pan Am was a household word in the USA for their romantic foreign routes and the glamorous 'China Clippers' that crossed the Pacific Ocean, stopping at such ports as Wake Island. Pan Am's attention soon turned to the Atlantic. Since non-stop service would be needed, a new aircraft was designed. The Boeing 314 was chosen. This huge flying boat started flying the Atlantic mail in 1939 with a trip over 26 hours long. Before the war, the 314 fleet flew the Pacific, Atlantic and other routes. The airliner was a palace compared to the cramped jets and limited service of today. The flight deck compared to the bridge of a ship and housed a crew of 6 in comfort. It was connected to the passenger cabin by a spiral staircase. The luxurious cabins were divided into 5 standard compartments, each seating 10 passengers, a dining salon for 14, a special compartment for four and a deluxe bridal suite. 74 could be carried on day trips and 40 when sleeping quarters for all passengers was required. Chefs prepared gourmet meals while passengers lounged in deeply cushioned wicker chairs and enjoyed a grand view of the scenery from about 5,000 feet. The age of the Clippers ended shortly after WWII when land planes could operate at much higher speeds than the flying boats. This model includes decals for both aircraft listed. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Glencoe Martin M-130 Pan Am China Clipper - China Clipper / Hawaii Clipper / Philippine Clipper / Wartime Markings, 1/144, 05505

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


1992 issue of this well molded and detailed kit of the legendary Pan Am Flying Boat; from ex-Strombecker molds. These flying boats established routes to China in the late 1930s. Those who could afford to fly them did so in luxury that is unheard of in air travel today. Never started. The parts are either still in the factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete. Includes decals and instructions.

Airfix North American B-25C/D Mitchell - B-25D Lady Jane 23rd Antisubmarine Sq Tampa FL July 1943 / B-25C Desert Warrior 8st Bomb Sq (Medium) 12th Group Bolling Field Washington DC July 1943, 1/72, A06015

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


Modern issue from completely new molds. Features 166 pieces, all recessed surface detail, excellent cockpit and crew stations, detailed bomb bay with optional position bomb bay doors, bomb load, working rudders and elevators, 'good' engine detail, optional position landing gear, separately molded split trailing edge wing flaps, rotating turret with elevating guns, pilot figure, optional parts for different variants and more. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix Heinkel He-111 H-20 - Medium Bomber, 1/72, 05021

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


1986 Type Four logo issue that features 79 pieces, elevating gun and rotating turret, pilot and crew, movable ailerons, elevators and rudder, optional position landing gear, external bomb load and more. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.