Old Plastic Model Kits

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  Plastic Model Kits

ZV Models Ural-375D Fuel Truck / ISU-152 / ISU-122S / PST KV-220 Russian Tiger Super Heavy Tank, 1/72, 72003

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG to Sealed Exc


SALE!! Includes all 4 kits. The two ISU SPGs are still factory sealed. The Fuel Truck and KV-220 are never started and either inventoried complete or still in the factory sealed bags. Includes all paperwork.

ZTS THREE Yak-1 or Yak-1M - USSR (1941 or Normandie-Nieman 1943) or Poland, 1/72, S-02

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


SALE!! Includes all three aircraft in one box. All three are never started. The parts are either inventoried complete or the kit is still in the factory sealed bag. Includes three sets of instructions and decals. Nicely molded with fine raised detail, good cockpit, all optional parts to build Yak-1 or Yak-1M and decals for three aircraft.

Novo General Aircraft Ltd Hotspur II Glider, 1/72, F152

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Nicely detailed model from the original FROG molds. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Novo Bristol 138A - (ex Frog), 1/72, F165

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


This model is from the original Frog molds and make an ideal 'Classic Builder'. It has never been started. It has been inventoried with all plastic parts and and instructions present. NOTE: missing decals. On the 28th of September, 1936, the Bristol 138/A climbed to an altitude of 49,967 feet to establish a new world altitude record. In 1937 it climbed to 53,967 feet where the windscreen cracked. The pilot was saved by the pressure suit he was wearing.

Aurora Cessna Skymaster 337, 1/72, 279-70

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


1968 issue of the famous tandem light aircraft that saw civil and military service. After Aurora purchased the Comet molds, they reissued the Comet civil light aircraft line. It appears that Aurora may have been inspired by the Comet kits or sales of the reissues, and they produced several more new molds to add to the line. This Skymaster is one of those kits. Since the model was designed new, it has significantly more detail than the older Comet kits. Features all recessed panel lines, full interior with front and back bulkheads, four bucket seats and instrument panel, clear windows and rotating propellers. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including all parts, decals and instructions.

Adams 280mm Atomic Cannon With 2 Gun Transporters - M65, 1/40, K153-398

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


Very rare and even more so in this condition. Classic Cold-War kit from the late 1950s. The Atomic Cannon was the Army's 20 mile range gun that could fire shells that contains small atomic bombs. The model is very highly detailed for that time and features transporters with movable wheels, towing yokes, fully detailed cab interiors & complete suspension, elevating and swiveling machine guns; the Atomic Cannon itself can be configured for firing or towing positions, the barrel elevates by real operating gears, the carriage rotates 360 degrees on platform and it actually fires 2 "Atomic" shells. Includes crew of 7. Inside, the model is factory new. It has never been started.. The parts that were factory sealed are still in the factory sealed bags; the parts that were never factory sealed have been inventoried complete. With decals and instructions. The decals are absolutely flat and in 'Good++' condition with the typical yellowing and a very light stain as the main flaws. The instructions are in 'very good++' condition with very light wear and typical yellowing as the only flaws. The box has like-new color and gloss. There are no tears, no price tags or tag marks, no tape or tape marks (other than the factory sealing tape), four solid corners, no repairs and no fading. However, it does have light to moderate general shelf wear as shown, mainly on the edges. There is one small factory tape litho pull on the upper long side which measures 1/2" x 3/8". The amazing M65 280mm atomic cannon originally started life as a conventional artillery piece. Development first began in 1944 before the first atomic weapon had been tested. Far from being 'just another giant gun', the M65 was carefully designed to be a very mobile and versatile weapon. Liberal use of aluminum and other light-weight metals kept the weight of the gun and both transports to about 85 tons, which is not much more than the largest conventional gun of WWII. As a result, it is light enough to be carried by trucks and cross bridges without collapsing them. Size was also a major factor, as it can fit inside landing craft, turn street corners of an amazingly small radius and travel as fast at 35 mph. The two transporters are required to move the gun, with one in back and one in front. Power is supplied to each tractor by a 6 cylinder engine with 375 horsepower. Both transmissions are manually controlled. These 4x4 machines can push, pull or parallel one another - with the gun slung between them. The driver of the front tractor has control of the brakes and throttles of both units and can communicate to the rear driver by telephone. The gun can be traversed in a complete circle and has a range of up to 20 miles. A complete 280mm batter consisted of two guns, four 5-ton trucks towing ammunition trailers, another two trucks pulling a pair of generator trailers (each with a 30 KW generator to furnish power to the guns, a 5th truck carrying four shell carts and a 2 1/2 ton shop van. The total crew was about 100 men. Each gun could be set up to fire in less than 12 minutes and can fire a round every two minutes.

Heller Patrouille de France Fouga CM-170 Magister / Ouragan / Alpha Jet, 1/72, 80399

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


1988 35 year anniversary of the famous French Air Force acrobatic team Patrouille De France. Includes all three kits and a very large, extensive decal sheet with all the special markings. All three kits are never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

ITC Soviet Amphibious Personnel Carrier Motorized, 1/32, 3811-249

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


One of three Soviet motorized armor kits released by ITC in the late 1950s/early 1960s. The other two are the Rocket Launcher and Soviet PT-76 Amphibious Tank. Includes heavy duty motor and all hardware needed to motorize the tank. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. (NOTE: a small grab bar on the front main deck is broken but all parts are present so you can repair it.)

JB Models TWO Vickers Light Tank Mk. VI A/B/C / TWO Skif ZIS-3 Anti-Tank Guns / Mirage TP-26 Armoured Personnel Carrier / ACE Horse Drawn Wagon With Zwillingslafette 36 IF-5 And Horses, 1/72, JB1009

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc to Fair


SALE!! Includes all six kits in boxes shown. All six are never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. There are two ZIS-3 guns in the one box and two Vickers light tanks in the JB box.

Hasegawa Grumman S2F-U Tracker Target Tow Plane, 1/72, 00048

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Rare special issue from 1999. Includes special resin parts to make an accurate S2F-U Towplane and the standard Hasegawa Tracker kit. Includes a painting guide and special Target Tow version decals. Never started. The clear and resin parts are still factory sealed; all other parts have been inventoried complete. With decals and instructions.

Gavia TWO L-140 UVP Turbolet - Civil LET / Aeroflot / Czech Air Force, 1/72, 001-0698

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


SALE!! Includes two kits in the one box shown. Kit #1 is never started and still in the factory sealed bags; includes decals and instructions. Kit #2 is never started and inventoried complete with all parts, decals and instructions present. This fine kit was awarded 'Model Of The Year' at the Model Hobby 98 convention. Features photoetched details, very cleanly molded plastic parts, fine recessed panel lines, very good cockpit and full cabin detail (even including the cabin roof), optional parts and markings for different civil and military versions and more.

Flashback Me-163A Komet - Versions V1 / V3 / V6, 1/48, KLH8920

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


Rare. This is a superb kit that is finely molded. Features injection molded parts with recessed surface detail, cast high-definition resin cockpit, many brass PE parts, film instrument and more. Includes paint guide and decals for V1, V6 and V3. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Aurora PBY-5A Catalina, 1/74, 374-198

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Rare, first issue from about 1956. This was a fine effort by Aurora for that time and an impressive model when assembled. Features retracting pontoons and rotating propellers. Includes correct early logo instructions which show the clear 'Triangle World' stand. This correct stand is included. This must be one of the first instances of the 'Triangle' stand being used as it is normally associated with oval 'Famous Fighter' logo kits. Molded in gloss silver and clear. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. It is interesting to note that the early Aurora PBY issue has at least three small variations to the box top. The very first issue says '1/4 SCALE MODEL' at the top right. Clearly, this kit is not 1/48 scale and someone at Aurora corrected it. Following that, there are two known corrections: early and late. On the early version, the '1/4' was blotted out with a dark blue oval or circle and '5/32' was added after the word 'SCALE.' It was now correct, but the appearance was not completely professional. This box is the later version - on the next box order, they kept the '1/4' blotted out but added a proper looking '5/32' in front of the blot.

Aurora German Tiger Tank, 1/48, 312-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM


Hard to find 1/48 scale armor kit. John Steel box art is dated 1964 and has "Famous Fighters" on the four side oval logos only. The box is in exceptional "Near Mint" condition with as new color and gloss, no tape or price tag marks and four solid corners. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions. NOTE: there are tread burns on the back of several pieces and on the front of one sprocket.

Aurora Lightning P-38 - Famous Fighters of All Nations, 1/48, 99-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Rare. Third issue with rectangular 'Aurora Line' logo and Famous Fighters of All Nations on the box top. The box has four solid and original corners, no repairs, tags, tag marks or tape (other than the factory sealing tape) but has moderate wear and very light age foxing as shown, hence the grade of 'good.' Inside, this model is molded in a stunning and beautiful correct gloss medium blue plastic and clear. It includes the correct early rectangular clear stand and stand arm. The model has never been started and is inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions present. Even the original factory tissue packing paper is present. NOTE: the decal were previously stuck to the instructions in several small areas. The actual transfers are in 'excellent' condition; the damage is to the backing paper only.

Hasegawa British Phantom FGR Mk2 - (McDonnell Douglas F-4) - Royal Air Force RAF 92 Sq Germany / 41 Sq 38 Group / 92 Sq / 56 Sq 11 Group / No.228 OCU No.11 Group, 1/48, P16

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


Very finely molded and detailed. Widely considered the finest injection molded 1/48 scale F-4 kit. The kit has never been started. Some parts are still in the factory sealed bags. The parts that are not internally sealed have been inventoried complete, including decals and instructions.

Revell H-16 Piasecki Transporter, 1/96, 0138

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM


1997 reissue from the original 1955 "S" kit molds (part number H223-98) - even includes the famous clear 'Revelving' Globe stand. Features working rotors, detailed rotor heads, detailed cockpit and pilot figure and opening rear drive-on cargo door. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Monogram SR-71 Blackbird - With GTD-21 Drone And Ground Cart - And Extra Drone With Extra Cart, 1/72, 5810

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Include an additional D-21 Drone and ground cart that is 90% assembled to 'professional' quality. The actual model is the 1984 release. Very finely molded and detailed kit with traditional high Monogram quality. Features detailed cockpits, optional position canopies, detailed wheel wells, GTD-21 Drone and ground handling cart. NOTE: this kit has minor, 'professional' quality subassembly as follows: instrument panels to cockpit floor; (2) #35 very small engine hubs to the back of the exhaust. There is no other assembly. Inventoried 100% complete and includes decals and instructions.

Sanwa Boeing B-29 Superfortress, 1/208, 134

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


Very Rare. Early, colorful issue from the late 1950s. The kit is dated by the 'Sanwa Plastic' logo, which was normally used in the late 1950s up to 1960. Very nicely detailed for that time with raised (and sparse, not overdone) surface detail, opening bomb bay doors for fore and aft bomb bays, bomb load, working ailerons, wing flaps, elevators and rudder, rotating propellers and full landing gear. Molded in gloss silver, black and clear. Includes factory glue tube. Inside, the model is factory new - all the parts and decals are still in the factory sealed clear bags. The decals are flat and in 'Very good++' condition with yellowing being the only flaw and the instructions in 'very good+' condition with age foxing and slight yellowing as the only flaws. Sanwa was one of Japan's earliest post-WWII kit producers, making model kits in the 1950s; some sources say 1955. Kits were marketed under Sanwa and Tokyo Plamo, with the general consensus being the the later logo came out around 1960 or later. Production ended in 1964, making all Sanwa kits rare and collectible. The entire line was extensive. It included very small scale tanks (some that were motorized), battleships in three scales with the larger ones motorized with dual prop drive, slot cars, civil sport boats and an electric outboard, a full line of hand gun models that actually shot plastic bullets, two fighter groups and bomber groups (probably Monogram), several different lines of scale aircraft, missile kits, scale (static) car models of early Japanese automobiles, at least 7 flying model aircraft that had electric and rubber motors, a 'Super Control Stand' P-51 that moved with a joystick and had an electric propeller and sound unit, two different lighthouses and a windmill, an air cushion boat, motor cycles, a diving submarine (electric) and a working (rubber band) George Washington Class SSBN and even a garden tractor with an electric motor. Just before going out of business, Sanwa issued some kits in conjunction with the 1964 Tokyo Olympic games - these kits even included a copy of an Olympic medal.

Sanwa Boeing B-17E Fortress Bomber, 1/145, 136

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Very, Very Rare. Early, colorful issue from the late 1950s. The kit is dated by the 'Sanwa Plastic' logo, which was normally used in the late 1950s up to 1960. Very nicely detailed for that time with fine (and sparse, not overdone) surface detail, opening bomb bay doors, working ailerons, elevators and rudder, rotating propellers and full landing gear. Molded in gloss dark green, black and clear. Includes factory glue tube. Inside, the model is factory new - all the parts and decals are still in the factory sealed clear bags. The decals are flat and in amazing 'near mint+' condition and the instructions in 'near mint' condition. Sanwa was one of Japan's earliest post-WWII kit producers, making model kits in the 1950s; some sources say 1955. Kits were marketed under Sanwa and Tokyo Plamo, with the general consensus being the the later logo came out around 1960 or later. Production ended in 1964, making all Sanwa kits rare and collectible. The entire line was extensive. It included very small scale tanks (some that were motorized), battleships in three scales with the larger ones motorized with dual prop drive, slot cars, civil sport boats and an electric outboard, a full line of hand gun models that actually shot plastic bullets, two fighter groups and bomber groups (probably Monogram), several different lines of scale aircraft, missile kits, scale (static) car models of early Japanese automobiles, at least 7 flying model aircraft that had electric and rubber motors, a 'Super Control Stand' P-51 that moved with a joystick and had an electric propeller and sound unit, two different lighthouses and a windmill, an air cushion boat, motor cycles, a diving submarine (electric) and a working (rubber band) George Washington Class SSBN and even a garden tractor with an electric motor. Just before going out of business, Sanwa issued some kits in conjunction with the 1964 Tokyo Olympic games - these kits even included a copy of an Olympic medal.